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About Kista Michelle

In numbers: 1, 3, 8, 12.

In 2 words: infinitely curious.

In literature: The Secret Life of Bees.

In quote: "I must be a mermaid...I have no fear of depths and a great fear of shallow living." -Anais Nin

In paradigm: People are energy and the beauty of life is the collision of those energies.

In values: Faith. 

Creative Consultant

What would you think if I sat down with you

Would you stand up and walk out on me? 

Lend me your story and I'll listen well

and attend with curiosity. 

My Blogs

My Blogs



I am many things and in each of those things, I have felt successful (less the nagging chatterbox that attempts to distort my positive), but have learned that success is not such a finite term. Now I am on a journey of empowering my infinite curiosity and owning such as my success. This success is awkward (see making friends in adulthood #laterblog), unplanned (see walking in faith #laterblog), raw (see being less needed #laterblog), and present (see learning people #laterblog).


And if you find yourself on a similar journey, by all means take my hand (in the less literal sense of a comment on a blog post unless we are in proximity to each other, then by all means literally feel welcome to take my hand). This is #lifeundecided.

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The realization that parenting an adult is like holding up a mirror that exposes all sides of oneself when held at different angles. It is the humbling reflection that the responsibility of and accolades for who "your" human has become is directly correlated to all of the "in the beginning" and "in the middle" experiences and interactions. Some days that reflection is empowering and other days it is a nagging chatter box of would haves, should haves, and could haves.


To my humans...the ones who continues to teach me that impact is a responsibility served through intention, purpose and are the beginning, middle and now of discovering myself.

Education Books Bookshelfs

This blog will not (a) answer all questions related to the sources provided (b) magically transform your classroom into the idealistic vision created during your formative teaching years (c) make winter/summer break come any faster.


This blog will (a) provide you with (re)sources intended to support your teaching and learning (b) offer you the opportunity to learn and implement new ideas, strategies, technology, etc. (c) entertain you through quippy realities and intentionally placed comedic brain breaks.


His hands are my hands.








Full of other's hands.








My hands are his hands.

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