In the beginning, there are...
Sleepless nights.
Selfless acts.
Child tantrums.
Parent tantrums.
Wet sheets.
Soiled pants.
Boo boo kisses.
Tucking in routines.
Early mornings.
In the middle, there are...
Teen tantrums.
Parent tantrums.
Selfless acts.
Self-preservation tactics.
Funk smells.
Hygiene discussions.
Kissless drop offs.
Broken hearts.
In the now, there is...
The realization that parenting an adult is like holding up a mirror that exposes all sides of oneself when held at different angles. It is the humbling reflection that the responsibility of and accolades for who "your" human has become is directly correlated to all of the "in the beginning" and "in the middle" experiences and interactions. Some days that reflection is empowering and other days it is a nagging chatter box of would haves, should haves, and could haves.
To my humans...the ones who continues to teach me that impact is a responsibility served through intention, purpose and reflection...you are the beginning, middle and now of discovering myself.