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Writer's pictureKista Corrington

Life with Grandpa

"Every good story of grandpa's includes a cocktail or a broad. The best stories include both."---Kista and Scott

I was the little girl grandma and grandpa always wanted but never had of their own. If I had been theirs, my name would have been Roxanne. To which I replied, "foxy Roxy." Grandpa is my dad in every way that you could picture a dad; he cared for me financially and emotionally, he chose to deal with my cuteness and my version of cuteness as a teenager, and he continues to foster my love as an adult. He causes me to pause in life and think. He recognizes my strengths and forgives my faults. He never wants but wants to give always. He is a little too much, but never enough. He is my grandpa and everything I hope to be for my own grandchildren.

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