I am an expectant heart, hopeful mind, and seeking soul.
The expectant heart searches for the gentle eyes watching her every move.
The expectant heart searches for the extended arms of warmth.
The expectant heart searches for the encouraging smile as acknowledgment.
The expectant heart lies in the body of a child.
The hopeful mind speaks to be listened to with attention and interest.
The hopeful mind speaks to be heard as a speaker at the table of life.
The hopeful mind speaks to be acknowledged as present.
The hopeful mind lies in the body of a teen.
The seeking soul watches to grab greatness and learn lessons from those around her.
The seeking soul watches the memory reels of her expectant heart and hopeful mind to understand who she is and by whom she was built.
The seeking soul watches her present to embrace intention and live with purpose.
The seeking soul lies in me.
I am more than what you see.
I am an expectant heart with a hopeful mind guided by a seeking soul.